Logitech Harmony poor IR pairing
Hi,So I've recently switched from Sky to Virgin and I'm trying to redo my harmony remote so it turns on the various devices and is functional with the Virgin V6 box.
However I am having problems doing this as the Harmony One is not recognizing the IR signal from the Virgin remote when it comes to learning the commands.
Anyone have any ideas?
Could it be because the battery is not holding its charge which I realised yesterday? It was on charge for 4 hours or so, took it off and plugged in the USB cable, updated it via laptop and then unplugged it for it to tell me the battery was dead again.
Also, is it better to completely start again as I did set it to do various functions such as turn AV receiver on and put on AV1, instead of this it puts it on Audio 1. Frustrating.
Thanks Not knowing how the One plays with a Virgin box (that looks wrong! ), doesn’t it load all the necessary commands from the online profiles?
Anyway I would sort battery charging so there are no low charge messages and I have often found wiping everything in the software and starting again works wonders.
If all else fails I have found the Harmony e-mail support helpful more times than not. You have to get past the scripts in the first emails, but they have given very focussed advice to me after that in the past. I'd check the Harmony One's battery for any signs of bulging & report it to Logitech it that's the case.
Battery bulge was a common issue which plagued early versions of Harmony Ones (had to have mine replaced twice). You'll be able to tell if it's bulging as soon as you open the cover, since the battery won't want to come out easily. Whatever you do, don't try to brute force it out - just get in touch with Logi support and take it from there.