Please help a Brit abroad
Hi everyone,I'm currently studying in the USA and have been using NordVPN to watch Sky Go.
I have just updated the Sky Go app on my Macbook. Even with NordVPN set to the UK, it knows that I'm not in the country.
Can anyone help me get around this?
I reeeeaaallly don't want to start watching American TV - I love Channel 5, ITV etc.
I only watch sporadically but when I do it makes me feel like I'm back home in the UK.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Change your UK server. I am using NordVPN from the US and it works fine Hey mate. I've tried a few servers, closing the app on the Macbook and reopening. It's still catching me as being overseas 
EDIT: Ok, tried a few and finally one worked! Thanks for the advice! Hope you're enjoying life in the US. ExpressVPN I used whilst in US no issues.