imightbewrong Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:13

The same as car hire - "Sir I see you booked a small car and you look quite tall - would you like to upgrade to a medium for only $$$?" "No thanks - small American cars are huge anyway" "Ok sir.Well gee look that that - we have no small cars left - would you mind taking a medium at no extra cost?" " whatever"

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:14

Regular occurrence now.

Flights are so full, they can't fit all the luggage in the overhead locker.

So they come round and ask for peeps to put the luggage in the hold.

qwerty321 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:15

Yeah. Though just occurred to me that they probably only offered for free because it was a small suitcase. If it was full size, they probably would have asked for payment.

imightbewrong Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:15

They aren't giving you extra luggage allowance - they just have to put your bag in the hold because the cabin storage is full.

markgodley Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:16

Good point, i just saw the £8 and assumed it was £8 each, but i'll check. If it's £8 for all of us then ill pay it.

Yes it was a group booking of 13 people

markgodley Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:17

We don't but would be nice having people to talk to on the trip, rather than some random person.

if anything it's more concerning for the random person that gets sat next to one person of our group

imightbewrong Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:18

Oh don't worry, it won't be £8 for the lot of you  it may be £3 each instead of £8 - every seat block will have a different price.

qwerty321 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:19

Yep - should have thought that RyanAir wouldn't be that kind!

The priority boarding is the one that I don't get. 10 minutes after them, I'm sitting on the same plane and actually had to ask a priority boarder to get up so I could get into my seat. 

imightbewrong Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:20

My favourite is when you all get on the same bus from the gate to the plane 

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 22:42:21

It won't be £8 for all of you, that's for sure!

£104 sounds more like it
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