Chrisharry12345 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:57

Need some 30th birthday ideas for the wife who will have a week old baby..

We are due our first child mid January //

My wifes 30th birthday is the week after...

She likes to celebrate and has never really done anything big for one of her birthdays.. her 18th and 21st were very uneventful so she had been saying for a while she would love to do something big like go to Vegas.. This is obviously now completely out of the window! Shes obviously delighted about the baby but I know shes secretly gutted that nothing is happening for her 30th now.

So... realistically what are my options?

Will a week after giving birth will she be likely to want to do anything even if its friends round for dinner/ going for a meal etc?

How long should I wait before looking at trip away somewhere with us and the baby?

Any ideas welcome as im blanking at the moment..

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:58

Firstly congratulations, secondly I think letting her sleep in might be the best present you could provide followed by champagne breakfast in bed?

Chrisharry12345 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:59

Hmm sleep wont happen due to breast feeding and champagne wont happen due to breast feeding!

Some sort of special breakfast in bed will definitely be a good start...

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:00

Put baby in the cupboard and go on a mad weekend in Skegness.

Shepherd Spy Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:01

Ok, your humour isn't funny or appreciated, no excuses or comments needed

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:02

I thought it was very funny.

Lancia34 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:03

Each to their own 

DJT75 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:04

A week after giving birth I doubt either of you will want to do much.
If up to it why not have a grandparent babysit for a few hours while you guys go out for a meal or something? Could even go through a feed by expressing a bottle or two.

Otherwise I'd say just treat her to a nice day and meal at home with maybe a walk somewhere (getting out the house will be a gift, trust me) 
Could book something special for her 31st or for maybe her 30 1/2 birthday and present her with a "delayed" 30th.

Lancia34 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:05

Due 7 days prior? She'll still be pregnant on the day. You can bet your life on it.

You're generally not discharged by the midwife for 10 days after birth, so you're not supposed to be venturing away too far. We took our last one down to a caravan park in the New Forest on about day 8, but just showed the midwife the details of nearest hospital etc. She wasn't breastfeeding though so it was a fairly easy trip. Baby just slept through the evening entertainment etc.

Whether your good lady has had it or not by the day, my wife reckons a posh afternoon tea at home or local hotel would be nice. Posh teas, posh sandwiches, yummy cakes, job done. Could invite family/friends round or just take the baby to a hotel. It'll probably sleep anyway. They do, a lot!

There's probably even firms that bring that sort of thing to your house if you want.

Wouldn't recommend having grandparents babysit that early, by the time it arrives yes ur wife will not want to leave it with anyone for a good few months.

Would definitely plan something for a later date & not worry about anything mega for her actual birthday, all things considered.

DJT75 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:38:07

That is a good point, the due date is bang in the middle of the 4 week window for giving birth so could be anytime in January in your case.
Ours turned up 2.5 weeks earlier than the due date so best thing is to not plan anything concrete until the day before and if she is still pregnant just be ready to ditch plans and rush to the hospital 
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