shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:23

That is not intimidating, that is exciting!I've seen a lot of things about the place which look nice and relaxing and all very lovely (and windy) but that is the first thing I've seen that looks exciting!Although it would stop the kids from swimming in the sea...

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:23

Cape Verde is just about hanging on to my shortlist for an October holiday.....just.

gg13533 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:24

Read the other day that Zika virus is on Cape Verde - might not be an issue for you but better to know beforehand.

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:25

Good to know, thanks

Arcam_boy Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:26

I can't believe how expensive Cape Verde is to go now!

I'm looking at booking a last minute deal in the next few days so have been scouring the holiday websites and its cheaper to go to the Caribbean than Cape Verde - shocking!! 

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:28

I've come to the same conclusion, for the kind of money I'm looking at in October for the weather etc I may as well consider the Caribbean or Mexico etc

Arcam_boy Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:29

I totally agree, and we're in the same position. From my own experience there's no absolutely no competition between Cape Verde and the Caribbean/Mexico even the slightly longer flight is compensated for by being a nicer aircraft (787) with all your food and drink included if going with Thomson.

When I went to CV in April 2009 it was £500 for 2 weeks at Riu Touareg. Just looking now and its £1234pp for the middle of June - Mexico is coming up at £834 for the same dates!

shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:30

Hi all, just got back from a fantastic week in Sal, Cape Verde where we stayed in the Sal Dunas resort.

Absolutely amazing! Our apartment was perfect for us. King size bed for us and 2 adult size singles in another room for the kids. We had an en suite with bath/shower and balcony. TV in our room and living room (although I didn't use them) and air con in bedroom and living room.
Several bars and restaurants and private beach for the all inclusive. Beer was nice (Strella) and served in half pint and punt glasses. All spirits included which were all good quality although no name brands.
Wine included was white, red and rose and cava although they were a bit rough for my palete.
The food was amazing. Seriously amazing. You could eat from 7am to 9pm everyday and not have the same thing twice. Plenty there that the kids could eat too. Oh and the bars and restaurants had free help yourself Mr Whippy style ice cream!
I'm just syncing photos and then I'll stick a couple up here...
Plenty of excursions available, from dune buggies to diving, windsurfing, kite surfing etc. It is rated in the top 5 for the top wind and kite surfing destinations in the world.
We walked the 1.5 miles from our hotel down to another beach that had a HOOOGE sand dune, golden beach and not only did I swim in the sea lots but it was calm enough to get my kids in it and i taught my 9 year old to snorkel so he got to see loads of fishes too.

All in all, a fantastic holiday that will be tough to beat.

tonycommander Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:31

Brilliant!! glad to hear you had a great time... we enjoyed it too...

shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 22:37:32

On the understanding that other people's holiday photos are as dull as dishwater, here is a few I've chosen to best represent the hotel and the island..

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