2 or 4 wheels for luggage
Which do you prefer to have on you holiday luggage2 or 4 wheel, see pole Depends on the situation, location and trip. Just a general question, did not want to be specific as there are a lot of senarios Then I'd maybe add a 3rd option 'Depends' A third option?6 wheels  We use suitcases with 2 wheels at the moment, but MrsD fancies trying 4 wheel luggage as she thinks it might be easier to use. I am happy either way.
Better than "depends" methinks eh!  I think the wheels on the 4 wheel cases are more prone to damage, so for me I will stick with 2 wheels we got away a lot - tho, we normally use hand luggage and have cheap suitcases with 2 wheels and they work fine... but we bought a half decent full size suitcase and this has 4 wheels on it - and this works very as I normally keep a hold of it...
so, in my experience - if you've got a hand luggage sized suitcase then 2 wheels will suffice (given the size and weight limitations), and a full size suitcase I'd say 4 wheels as you tend to have a heavier weight... this is of course assuming you're not going to be walking off road etc haha..! Completely wrong. I had the privilege of working at Manchester airport over the summer. Baggage handling
4 wheels are better. Because we roll them. Nice smooth roll down the aircraft.
Now if your bag has 2 wheels, they get thrown, violently. You think how much force is used to throw a suitcase 50m that weighs 20kg compared to rolling it on 4 wheels
I actually went and bought a new suitcase with 4 wheels for my holiday this summer just from that experience Our Samsonite case with 4 wheels ended up with 3 after one trip round the world - I'm assuming because the wheels stick out they bear the brunt of any impact.With 2-wheel systems, the wheels tend to be more integrated and protected by the body of the case.
I suppose it all depends on how gently the baggage is "handled".I have seen cases strewn over the tarmac at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson airport after falling off a buggy-train, being run over by the next baggage buggy until the cases distributed their contents over a huge area....