My mother and sister in law want us to go to Florida for Christmas for 2 weeks. They will provide accommodation so we pay for flights, park tickets and spends. Flights are coming up so expensive though. Has anyone been at Christmas? How much are park tickets? We are a family of 4. Flights are expensive at any time never mind from the end of November onwards.I've had 4 Christmasses over there. Park ticket prices are available online, check the official park websites as a start. Has the weather been good for you? Yes Great, thank you for your reply  FloridaTix and Orlando Ticket Deals are worth a look. Have used both the past several years, depending on which is cheaper.
They both charge in GBP and no credit card charges last time I used them. They send you the actual tickets and not a confirmation you take to guest services, so less messing around when you arrive at the park. I believe they lock their prices for the season too. That sounds great - thanks for the tip!