Manchester with the Family
Hi allMy wife, two boys (10 & 8) and me are going to Manchester for a few days in Feb (wed - Sat)
We are going to a Utd Match on the Thursday night.
Has anyone any recommendations for something we could do with the boys. Dont mind going by train to something although not too far obviously Welcome | Museum of Science and Industry 100% - my kids loved it. spent a full day wandering around.
Stadium tour at United is also good as well. Thanks booyaka, will have a lol at that
We intend to do the stadium tour at some stage during our stay. National football museum as well since you like football
The National Football Museum Imperial War Museum North?
BBC tour? There are canal boat trips, though not running that frequently. No details to hand, sorry.
There's a lot of old industrial and architectural heritage in Manchester to see. Plus, its always nice to see a city from an on the water perspective. I'd do a canal trip.
Agree with Science & Industry suggestion. On certain days, a 1940's computer ( Turing era and possibly his tech, I don't know ) is powered up for display - check with them.
Imperial War north is good, I agree. if very limited compared to the main branch in London.
For evening entertainment/dining, I'd suggest Printworks, near Victoria Station, for a family. Its a pretty impressive building, it seems to me possibly styled by the same people who did the now defunct Granada Studios ( just my guess ). There are many chain type diners and a multiplex cinema, all in this fun and impressive building.
There used to be a big wheel thingy very close to it. Look into that too, as it does give good views and is fun for a family. Oh and a tour of ManU is supposed to be very good. I don't know about this myself to vouch for because I am a weirdo who doesn't like football. But people say its good.  anyone know the best / cheapest way to get into Manchester (Bengal Street) from the Airport, it will be late 9pm with 2 Kids. @Abbeygoo @Woodywizz Manchester Airport to Manchester Victoria is about £6.00 and 45 mins or so. A 10 minute walk from Victoria into the Northern Quarter if you know the route. With kids though at that time, in a strange city I'd get a cab to the door tbh Get a cab. Don't be walking it at that time with kids. Be a fiver in a cab