Anyone used Travel FX for foreign currency?
Anyone used these guys for foreign currency?Pound Sterling Live in association with Travel FX | Buy holiday money | Buy travel money | Best exchange rates
Seem to have the best prices going but is it one of those to good to be true sites?
Thank you. I'm sure I've used them and they were fine.
Although, I've used that many i lose track  We know, you seem to spend more time out the country than in it  I'd spend all of my time out of it if i could  People used to highly recommend (and had good experience with) another similar outfit - until they went bust and took all the outstanding money with them.Is "your" money 100% secure in some way?Check.Only deal if it is.
Or better still, use a fee-free credit card instead.No risk (except of exchange rate dips - but then they could just as easily rise.....) This is my concern and we need £3k changing. Anyway I've now found some currency exchange websites for where we're going which are showing slightly better rates so will take cash/TC and change while we're there. I used Monzo for my trip to the US and it was amazing. No fees and easy to top up the card.