Doctor Smith Publish time 2-12-2019 22:31:30

Term Time holidays.


Due to my partner and I only being able to get time off together during school term time we will be taking my daughter out of school for 2 weeks.

I have looked on the school website and it states pupils taken on holiday during term time will be fined £60 per absence.

My question is, will i be fined £60 for the whole 2 weeks or is it per day?

Also has anyone taken children out of school recently and not been fined?

Delvey Publish time 2-12-2019 22:31:31

Are you aware of the recent court case about this?
I beleive it's £60 per absence

Astaroth Publish time 2-12-2019 22:31:32

The fine is £60 per period of absence per child rather than per day

As noted above the fine technically is based on the legal obligation that parents must ensure their children "regularly" attend school and in the case in question the parent had taken the kid out of school for 8 days to go to Disney/FL without permission but successfully argued that missing 8 days. on top of their normal attendance record, didn't constitute a failure to regularly attend.

Now the problem with these sorts of cases, particularly when reported in such high standard journals as the Daily Hate, is they don't give enough details around the case. Even if they did the case was heard in the Magistrates Court and so its decision isn't binding on future cases.

Personally, the cost of £60 is minimal in comparison to the cost of lost education but that's a whole separate set of arguments (not all foreign trips are equally education and it doesn't require both parents for a trip to be educational etc just to tick off some of the counter arguments )

officerdibble11 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:31:32

I advocate direct cerebal transfer of knowledge, as practiced by the Krell.

Then you would be able to take them on holiday any time you like.

Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 22:31:34

Do they have to be off two whole weeks of school to get a better price ? we did the may half term in Ibiza with the kids, we booked Monday to Monday, so the travel home day was a school day and it was a similar price to a total term time break away, saved about £600. We were extra jammy though as that Monday was announced as an inset day a few months before we went so they didnt miss any in the end.

officerdibble11 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:31:34

Cost is not the reason why the OP is asking the question though. It's because they simply can't get time off during school holidays.
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