Where is the best place for euros need to change £1k You going on holiday?9 times out of 10, you're betting off changing at your destination.
If it's not holiday etc, no idea i'm afraid.Post office? Yes going to Cyprus in august. Never used euros before so just want a good deal The best way to spend in any foreign currency, whether in person or via the web, etc., is to use a fee-free credit card (such as Post Office, Halifax Clarity, SAGA etc) for all transactions.Have it set up to repay in full by Direct Debit.Keep funds in your account to fund the direct debit.Full repayment will avoid interest charges on purchase transactions.
If you really need cash (for incidentals) then get it from an ATM when you arrive.Use the same card BUT note that this will accrue interest - which is mostly avoidable as follows:
- set up online access to your card and to your bank account
- after you draw cash, watch for the transaction to actually appear on your account (note - not the pre-authorisation, pending transaction; you must wait till you can see the actual amount posted)
- as soon as it does, make an in-payment from your bank account to cover it.Exactly, or the next round figure above it - whichever you prefer.
The in-payment will be applied FIRST to the cash withdrawal; therefore, interest will only accrue for maybe a couple of days, and will typically amount to a few pennies only. Nationwide flex plus also allows fee free atm withdrawals at the current visa rate. Currently 1.135 euro to GBP Check the advice on Martin Lewis's
18 cheapest ways to get travel money - MSE
I went with the Post Office for convenience – local collection – and a reasonable rate, not to mention helping to keep open an essential local service.
I also picked up a credit card with a good foreign exchange rate. rates them. I went for the Nationwide Select, which features in their list of good ones. (Some are a rip off.) But as others say. pay off immediately. I never pay interest. Indeed, the Nationwide Select card has a cash back feature, although I'm not sure if I got much on the >£2000 we racked up on 10 days in Italy. I used that card last year in the Netherlands, where they don't like credit cards in restaurants. It worked just fine. My Revolut card is currently offering me €1.1350 / £1. During my trip last month, the rate moved on my Nationwide Select from €1.152465 to€1.139496.
Some airport exchanges had it nearer €1 = £1!