Currency to use in Turkey
Very very quick question as I'm out trying to buy currency now for a holiday in a few days.I'm after Turkish Lira.
One agent suggested I may be better taking euros as they are accepted too.
Is that true? Any downside from taking euros instead of lira? We just returned from Antalya on Friday - The hotel we visited accepted both Euro and Lira and we took Lira but next year we'll be taking Euro. The price of most items in the shop and in the spa are displayed in Euro plus it's closer to Sterling and easier to understand. 
Enjoy your time there, we loved it. I've been three times before to Bodrum over ten years ago with my parents and sister - this was the first time with my wife and kids and we're booking the same place next year as soon as it comes available (September). This will be our third holiday in Turkey, though last one was about 10 years ago.
Best thing we've done on any holiday ever was swimming in Cleopatra's pool while there.
Ended up buying Lira as I'd read that many places screw you on the exchange rate with euros. It's an all inclusive so I've ended up buying a small-ish amount and will just find an ATM if I need more. Take lira. Yes most places take the euro but the exchange rate will be rubbish. Lira is the official currency. Basic maths for conversion rates I've always just used Lira. Which hotel if you don't mind me asking