City Break for October Half Term
I lay down this challenge.Recommend a city break for about 5 days in the back end of october that is reasonably warm and will fill the days with things to see - history, art, architecture.Happy for this to involve trips outside - for example when I did Rome, we took a tour out to Naples to see Pompeii etc.
Unfortunately, I feel I have set the bar high with best favourite ever holiday - Rome.
So rule out London, Paris and Rome - done all of those.
Nigel Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Agadir, Valletta, Tel Aviv
Just a few to name to give you an idea. Obviously research things to do in each and the varying flights/hotel availability
I would add Geneva but doubt it will be warm Via Groupon last year we got a cheap deal on Venice, Rome, And Florence which we enjoyed...
And we also saw a seal on there a while back (but it maybe gone now...) But it was places like Budapest, Prague, Vienna, and Bratislava...worth investigating...but not sure of the temperature tho. Depends on your definition of reasonably warm... 
The one that springs to mind for me is Krakow. Loads of great buildings in the city and lots of history, albeit pretty grim. It's a lovely place but the weather can be unpredictable later in the year. I've been there in December and walked around in a teeshirt, been there in early November and waded through the snow...