Ned Senior
Publish time 2-12-2019 22:27:46
Great holiday then..... amazing what fun can be had on our Island!..... to be honest I have no interest in going anywhere overseas any more
Publish time 2-12-2019 22:27:47
My best memories, and similarly for my wife, are probably in our home country. I never forget one in Friesland, it was wet, rained a lot. But I was there with my mum, dad and sister. We still went to the beach and the forest and had fun...
Publish time 2-12-2019 22:27:47
I just got back from Cornwall, farther West than you, in Marazion. We loved it, but our teen said he only really liked the Crabbing and watching the Liverpool v Arsenal game at the pub 
I know he had fun really, but that age!!
We go away a lot, mainly abroad, but Cornwall is simply the best place in the world.Getting way too busy in August now though