zad Publish time 2-12-2019 22:23:43

Well I managed to book Trendy Lara  a week at the end of July 2 bed apartment all inc. Looks really nice as well... can't wait 

Its been a long while since we have been abroad at least 10 years. Travel insurance Thomas Cook wanted £80 but I did a compare the market and it was like £20 am I missing something? I checked and it was covering 5k cancel, 10mil hospital 4* defacto does that sound correct single trip family?

Astaroth Publish time 2-12-2019 22:23:43

Thomas Cook has about a dozen different varients ranging from their 1 star Bronze, through the 3 star Classic to the 5 star Silver so first of all make sure you know which one you are looking at.

Resellers of insurance, like Thomas Cook, can go either way... make the money on their primary service and sell add ons like travel insurance at near cost price or sell their primary service dirt cheap and make the money on the cross sale of secondary products like travel insurance.

Back in my days of dealing with travel insurance on a wholesale basis it was interesting to see who wanted to pay for the extras (often hidden) like speedier call answering etc and what the final retail price they charged their customers was... the company with the cheapest wholesale price did actually have the highest retail price... the highest wholesale price customer was somewhere in the middle of retail prices.

As long as your comfortable with the cover and all the limits and both have a reputable underwritter then go for the best price. Where people tend not to spot differences is things like low single item limits or inner limits for valuables/electronics and/or if there is an "inconvience" element to delay cover.

BB3Lions Publish time 2-12-2019 22:23:43

I use the homeaway app
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