Skiing in Scotland
Hi guys,I'm planning a bit of a road trip from London to Scotland in late March to early April - most probably leaving on the 29th of March through to 6th of April. As I'm going to be in Scotland, I thought it would be rude not to try and catch some skiing. I was looking at Glencoe or the Nevis range.
What are the chances of there being a good level of snow that time of year? Also, one of the travelling parties is very sun sensitive and UV rays can make her quite ill. What are the sun / UV levels like that time of year up in the mountains? I was up in Scotland last March. Mainly around the Trossachs
Both Ben Ledi and Ben Lomond had snow on the peaks but that was it. Both about 1000m high. Ben Nevis is a fee hundered metres higher so may be suitable. As for Sun, it's Scotland so they should be OK Hi Delvey, thanks. I done some research after posting earlier. Both Nevis and Glencoe that time of year are hit and miss. If I get lucky, all well and good. I not, I'll hire a bike 
As for the sun - I told my friend the same thing "it's Scotland!" But she assures me that even on cloudy days the sun can harm. She pretty much wears factor-50 all year round. Totally hit or miss but it is lovely. Hope you get some snow. Wowsers! I've just been checking out prices for accommodation. Very pricey. But then I will be going during Easter break! Blooming kids!!!!!!!!!!