Do they exist... last minute holiday deals?
Afternoon guysMy wife and I are thinking it till last min to book our Feb holiday. Do these exist? As we have never done this before
Walk in a travel agent? Maybe online?
Thanks Yes, they exist and have done for years.
In fact there is a website that started just for that. Funnily enough called Firstly .... last minute do shocking deals and blind deals. Never really a good place To go for a bargain. I always find cheaper elsewhere.
Secondly - I’ve been told travel agents don’t offer that “good” of a deal anymore Online.
Search the holiday company (T Cook etc) websites.
Failing that.Occasionally you can get cheap last min flights (even with Ryanair/EZJ) and hotel deals if you do a bit of surfing around the web. Just don’t even try it in school holidays. Then they really do not exist. February sets alarm bells ringing  Tui (Thomson or first choice as they were known) have a late deals page. Can search by airport, destination etc up to 6 weeks in advanced. I've have a good few deals myself from them With most things you’re balancing undersold (cheap) with emergency (expensive).
Last minute flight and city hotel will often, though not always, be very expensive. Last minute cruise will often be very cheap but wait too long and it’ll be fully booked. I use Skyscanner | Find the cheapest flights fast: save time, save money! for flights.
Hotel Deals & Discount Holidays 2017 . Amazing four star hotel offers & all inclusive holidays. for accomodation.
hoppa - Airport Transfers Worldwide | #arrivehappy for transfers.
It can take some effort but if you're on a budget savings can be mad. It certainly can take some effort but take "savings" with a pinch of salt... the number of times I've seen a hotel room advertised on certain booking sites as £600 crossed out and £180 as the current price - showing an apparantely massive saving but then gone to the hotels own website and found they are selling that room for £178 and at no date at all above £200 on a like for like basis we've had mixed expoeriences with this - and as someone said on this forum last year0there were some real cheap deals to be had just after xmas (jan / feb)...not sure if it was a one off tho, but the timings of my annual leave means I don't take...
but as a rule of thumb if you're booking flights and hotels separate (, airbnb etc) - then the closer to your dates means the flight prices tend to rise, and the hotel prices tend to go down...but this does require some element of flexibility...