The Dude Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:33

yeah, the first time I went with my lady - she insisted on staying somewhere nice - we were in the amrath...that's pricey mini bar tho and was filled up daily..

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:34

Geert Wilders is a great man, but his hair is greater.

His followers shout :

Haar van Wilders U-Akbar !

( Wilder's hair is greater )

DrPhil Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:34

Perhaps best to keep politics out of travel 

reiteration Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:35

looks nice, and not that far from Leidsplein too... that area rocks of a friday night - especially during the warmer months with buskers etc...

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:36

Easily walkable to anywhere  Just have a nice stop at one of the many bars for a drink; Nutricia Chocomelk met slagroom (yup that words makes my wife giggle).

paulyoung666 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:37

I've stayed in that one , you did the right thing about upgrading the room , the room we had was tiny lol , for what the trams cost I would think about using them

DrPhil Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:38

Cool, other than that was the hotel good?

Also is Amsterdam an English speaking city? As opposed to Paris where they look at you like you just farted if you speak English!

paulyoung666 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:39

Yeah it was fine , nothing flash but by far from the worst I have stayed in !!, close to a tram stop, which is well worth using believe me !!, As for English , you may as well be in England , you won't have any issues there , how long you going for ?

reiteration Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:39

the only issue with amsterdam is what I would call tourist tax - as if you go in some small shops for food etc - there's no prices on them and I'm sure they just make the prices up...went into one corner shop and got charged about 7 euros for some mints and chewing gum... then went into some bakers and this really stoned guy got charged 15 euros for some waffles and cream..I just walked out when I heard the price..!

DrPhil Publish time 2-12-2019 22:22:40

5 nights. Arrive on a Sunday around 6pm but will be pretty tired that day after just landing back from Canada.

Head home again on Friday afternoon.
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