stearman65 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:30


We are motoring abroad Sunday & will be using the Dartford Crossing. I thought I would check what the cost is & opened a nightmare situation. From last Sunday the pay booths were permanently closed to ease congestion. So if you use the crossing your car is scanned & you have to pay the fee in a certain time. You can either pay on-line or use a Pay Shop??? I opted to use the Gov.Org site to pre pay. I then found I couldn't as I had owned the car less than 3 months. Couldn't find a local pre pay shop so rang the help line. Eventually I got through to someone who was able to accept by credit card 2 pre paid crossing fees (£5). I received a confirmation email, so I can now go on holiday relaxed that I won't be stuck with a £70 (each way) non payment fine. I haven't seen anything about this in the media, maybe it's a scheme for the PM to get some of the money back from the EU it's going to cost to get out???

Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:31

I thought the pay booths had gone months ago?
It was all over the news at the time.

stevenM Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:32

Agree, plus there are signs up all over the place telling you how to pay.

True Romance Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:32

Don't think there have been pay booths for years? No idea why you couldn't pay online? We go to Kent most years in a hire car (well say hire car its from nissan to replace our leaf for two weeks each year) and never had an issue?

John7 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:33

Travel after 10pm and before 7am and there's 'nowt to pay

its_all_Greek Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:33

A government backtracking, Well i've never heard of such a thing

mjn Publish time 2-12-2019 22:19:34

I think the OP is smoking crack! 

I use the Dartford crossing a fair bit. The tolls booths went years ago! And that is a good thing as they caused massive tailbacks at all times.

Further to that, i’ve used it in a courtesy car and had no issues paying.
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