Does anyone work for Tui and can get me a discount ?
A blatant begging post from me !My wife and I are looking to book a holiday to Mexico next year for three weeks and just wondering if there is anyone who can get a discount code or something ?
The holiday is looking at costing around 5k for three weeks so far in the hotel we like.
Ive looked at a few discount codes but not getting much off really. Have you tried Holiday Hypermarket, owned by TUi, small discounts but £25.00/week pays for your valet parking at the airport. I'll give them a try. Just tried them and they are 79 pence cheaper per person.
Could do with a little more off. I find the holiday prices with Tui are all over the place. We've been on holiday with them each year since 2013 and I just do a weekly check of prices and wait until it drops. Was around April that it went to it's lowest for a departure in July. Likewise I booked 6 weeks before departure and I’m almost certain it won’t get any cheaper, the opposite in fact. £2.5K for 3 weeks in Mexico!
I assume the OP is looking at top end hotels?
Often see deals (for 2 weeks mind) for sub £1000 pp in decent 5* hotels on their website.
It's also possible to pick up one of their Dreamliner flights to Mexico for circa £250 return (flight only). Its a good hotel called riu tequilla and we have to go in the school holidays because the wife is a teacher.
Oh and I Want premium class because I had extra legroom last time and the seat was crap. Doh! All bets are off Holiday has just increased by £40 per person !