New York 3 night trip next November ?
Hi all, looking to go next year, my wife and I, along with another couple.Always wanted to go for a few reasons and is also something for us to look forward to at the moment.
Anyone any tips or suggestions for packages etc as I'm very lost and confused about it all.
Don't want it to cost the earth but have enough time to pay it off.
Thought this could be the best section for now.
Cheers all  BA do some decent 3 night packages.
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The woman who ticked: 'I am a terrorist' Check out flights on Sky Scanner and book your hotel separately. I normally use as you can often pay at the hotel rather than weeks in advance. Enjoy!! If shopping is big on your list, then get the bus from the city to Woodbury Common - great selection of designer discount outlets.
Also agree with the BA packages, used one 4 years ago.
Ellis Island is worth a visit as it really explains New York plus all the usual places like Central Park, Freedom Tower, the High Line, Broadway shows.Too much to fit in for 3 days! 3 nights = 2 usable days = not really long enough.IMO. Agree with three days not being long enough. The price of 4 and 5 nights is not that much higher then 3  I just got back from a great 7 days in NYC last week. We only explored Manhattan but a week was just right. Think we pretty much explored everywhere including Harlem. Another vote for BA holidays1 Five nights is probably best. All the usual touristy bits and the 9/11 museum is a must . NY is pretty expensive, but definitely worth it.