waring192 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:16:00

Friend in Hong Kong for a couple of weeks, gadget ideas...?

A good friend of mine is on holiday there at the moment. Well, he grew up there till he was in his 20's so visiting family etc.

He knows the place well as he goes every few years so was just wondering if I sent him over some money what bargains can be had or stuff which you cannot get over here? Nothing weird like a bride or similar  Was thinking of the following:
Apple Products? (only if they are cheaper than the UK)DSLR's?Smart Home stuff?DJI Drone?I really want an LG UltraFine 5k monitor for my 15" 2017 MacBook Pro, would that be cheaper if he bought it and have it shipped back? Even if I got hit with customs charge and the after the postage would it be cheaper than buying in the UK?Games consoles, was thinking maybe a PSVR?Any other toys/gadgets?And before anyone posts about warranty issues, I'm happy to take the risk!

Budget is around £3,000


john168 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:16:02

Check price.com.hk for local prices.You need to consider about airport customs when your friend flies back!
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