djbsom Publish time 2-12-2019 22:15:55


Hi folks. So we're looking at Cyrus in March. It looks nice enough but I hear the roads/driving are a problem?
Now hiring a car and exploring the country are a major part of any of our holidays so I'm hoping a regular on here can put my mind at rest?
So what's Cyprus like guys?

Chocci Publish time 2-12-2019 22:15:56

Roads in Cyprus are fine and they drive on the proper side of the road 

Car hire is expensive though

sunday2 Publish time 2-12-2019 22:15:57

At the beginning of my video you can see that the roads in Cyprus are in a good condition - at least at the greek side. If you are interested you can find at my YouTube-channel a playlist about Cyprus with ten videos. We have been to Nicosia, Paphos and many other places. But we liked walking too - and the greek music, which they play there very often. You can hear it in my video too.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 22:15:58

I've been all over the island both North and South and the roads are absolutely fine.

I also don't agree that car hire is expensive. I find it fairly cheap. Last summer was £214 ten days for a Nissan Juke in August, fully insured with two drivers. And the car was less than a year old.

A previous time I had a Mazda 3, was £280 for 17 days in August. Again fully insured.

Chocci Publish time 2-12-2019 22:15:59

Who was that with? Still seems expensive to me (I pay £60 a week in the canaries, £75 a week for mainland spain).

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 22:15:59

In August for a 5 seater with luggage? Wow that is very cheap.

Last summer was with North Cyprus Rent a Car, Cyprus Pines Car Rentals in Northern Cyprus
And before it was with Cy-Breeze Rentals - Paphos Cyprus Cars, Bikes, Accommodation in Paphos, slightly more of an experience as they have no on airport presence, but do it Cyprus style in a side street and leave the keys in the fuel filler cap 

Oh, and haggle  Never pay list price...
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