which event makes you scratch your head?
Which of the events at the Olympics made you go "wow, how do they do that?!"Events like sprinting, shot put, javelin and long/triple jump i can kind of "get" - they are amazing, but i see how they do it.
The one that gets me is the high jump - how can someone simply jump up and clear a bar well over 2m high?i can't even jump and get my head that high, let alone get my entire body over something over 7ft in height.
The cycling is another one - how they travel THAT fast for that long impresses me. I physically couldn't get upto 65 kmph in the gym on their bikes (ok, slightly different, but you see where i am coming from) the gymnastics events, I understand it takes years and years of training but it's still amazing to watch nonetheless I am sat here now trying to think of which event i could improve at most in 4 years to go to Rio, lol.Not having much luck. lol, the only one I can think of is possibly Trap shooting, even then I doubt I could even get close to the skills at the international level Agreed. When one of the men goes completely horizontal on the rings and holds it I'm in awe 10m diving. The board cam says it all. Jumping off is one thing. To perform acrobatics as well? actually, agreed about the rings - those people have super human strength Watching the Gymnastics floor routines I wondered why they don't enter the high jump. A couple of back flips in the run up and then a double somersault over the bar....simples.  I feel a little too old at 29, but I'm definitely going to get more in shape and run the London marathon either next time, or the one after. Alway said I would do it and watching the athletes I've ended up feeling a bit empty. I just go to work, earn money and survive. I don't feel like I live.
I want to say I've run the marathon to my children. Even if I come last. Not to put a downer on it, but there is a queue to run the London Marathon.