But am going to wait to see what they look like in the Paralympics as from what I can gather for fencing your wheelchair is locked down so I guess it's all about fast reactions. Of which I don't have much of! You're never too old! I want back to Taekwondo training today for the first time in a year. Definitely inspired by the Olympics to get off my lazy ass! I haven't been to TKD since 2001, got sick of the politics, really drove me mad. That must have been one smart animal...Sorry! 
As far as it goes for myself, I already cycle quite a bit (on and off road), play football and have recently got into squash (which I would love to see as an Olympic sport!).
If I had to pick another sport to get into though, I wouldn't mind a go at hand ball!!! Looked quite exciting on the TV. I've now ridden two 40 milers in the last week along a lot of the Olympic road race course in Surrey
It really helps to imagine the crowds lining the route and pretending I'm Wiggo.  Yeah - always wondered why it isn't. Great sport.