The Closing Ceremony
So, anyone else watching?Have to say, I have absolutely loved these Olympics, they have been amazing.Team GB have more than delivered and then some.
Right from the start, the opening ceremony, to each and every single medal we won, getting 3rd in the table overall, just absolutely brilliant.
Can't believe it is all about to end - far too quickly for my liking.
Will be watching and enjoying every last second of the closing ceremony.
London 2012 - it's been a blast.  Figured I'd post it in the relevant thread! Agreed 100%
This sort of thing isn't normally my thing. I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to the closing ceremony.
rovex - I don't understand your point at all. Sorry.
Edit: On reflection, I do actually. Perhaps the main closing ceremony could be after the paralympics.
But, there's no harm in having a damn good celebration now. Long live Prince Henry!! OMG what a gaff, that's unforgivable what?
the car blowing up before the sound of it blowing up? No that Prince Harry was introduced as Prince Henry. His name even came up on the screen as that. No calling Prince Harry Prince Henry, not only did the announcer say it it was on the graphic as well His name is Henry only it's almost never used It wasn't a gaffe. His name actually is Henry, Harry is a nickname. IIRC his full title is Prince Henry Charles Albert David Windsor of Wales.