GregStarz Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:37

Dc8900 you are a legend my friend, got 5 and it meant that I can now take my little girl in to the park and that means a lot to me, happy man!

I still need 2 athletic tickets though (for my mum) if anyone has any please letme know I'll love you forever!!

duncan159 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:37

I'm assuming the big screens will still be there, so I'll have a wander round, spend far too much money in the megastore, take in the atmosphere and catch some sport on the big screen. Fingers crossed the weather holds out!
Just glad to finally get a ticket to see the park in all it's glory. Once in a lifetime experience so got to make the most of it.

Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:38

Jeez, it's harder to get tickets for this than it was the Olympics! A load appeared yesterday afternoon but then none were actually for sale, excluding the £5 park tickets.

willywinker Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:38

do you still get a travel card for that price? if you do thats a steal.

if not and anybody wants 3 xtravel cards for the 5th or 6th september then pm me with your address and i will pop them in the post.

i ended up 2 x tickets and travel cards them days and have some stamps so think of it as a gift. could save you upto 30 quid depending where your travelling from. if i knew i could still have my seat in the stadium i would send the spare tickets too but obviously...

loz Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:38


Elrond Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:38

It will probably take you a while to walk around as it is quite big. Other than that you've got places to eat and shop but there is also Park Live in the middle where you can go and watch the action on a big screen.

willywinker Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:39

if your going on the 5th or 6th then you can have some travel cards from moi

dc8900 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:39

You're welcome guys 

dc8900 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:39


A whole load of tickets are available now

Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 21:47:40

Managed to get two tickets for Opening Ceremony on Wednesday and three tickets for the Wheelchair tennis finals in the Olympic Park on Saturday 8th. Well pleased!

My sister is not too happy as she paid 300 each for two opening ceremony tickets, whereas I've just got some today at £125 each!
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