So how old is Mark Selby's wife, Vikki?I only ask as she looks at least 35-40, so appears to have caught herself a toy boy in Mark, but i can't find her age anywhere.Anyone? Personally i think the sport misses Stephen Hendry. Although he wasn't the same player in his twilight years. No player had a presence like him. He stood alone in that regard. And would show the flashes of brilliance like the odd 147 here and there at world championships etc. If the clock was turned back  He would more than likely dominate again even in this day and age. Not to the same extent because of more highly talented players around - but if he was 21 again and starting again. Then the near 800 career centuries before he retired earlier this year would come again. And i would hazard a guess at maybe 4 or 5 world titles instead of the 7 he won in his era.