sheriffwoody Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:46

the best way i could see of doing it is taken 40 peoples names from here and then adding them to something like
RANDOM.ORG - List Randomizer
which will then give a random order (1 through to 40) - then assign the number that each person is to the same horse number

or, make a list of 40 people on here 1 - myboxlife, 2 - redcat1 3 - kazer etc and then put all the horses into the randomizer and then that will spit them out in a random order.which ever comes out at number 1 give that to myboxlife, the 2nd horse goes to the 2nd person on the list etc

MyBoxLife Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:47

Happy with either, it's just whether we can get 40 heads, or even 20, and give each 2 horses, and collect the entry, this all in time before it's too late.

tonycommander Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:48

yeah - i'd ppg some cash over into a s/stake.....

Se777eN Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:48

I put £30 on teaforthree end of last year for the GN at 33/1 its now 14/1

On its own 10/1 £10 win
Colbert station 12/1 £20 win
Always waining 33/1 £10 win

Good luck all..

garts76 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:48

Its tipped as an outside chance is treacle, im putting a fiver e/w on that and seabass

sheriffwoody Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:49

really? fair enough, will be nice if it comes in

redcat1 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:49

Not much interest in a sweepstake then ?

Maybe a mention in General Chat might get a few involved

JFRTDI Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:50

Tarquinius £5 ew
Colbert Station £5
Roberto Colback £5
Sunnyhill boy £5

Heres hoping

MyBoxLife Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:51

Think we're a bit late for a sweepstake .

Colbert Station, Chicago Grey, Balthazar King, and Mr Moonshine, £5 E/W on each.

domtheone Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:51

Gonna pop down the road and have a few quid on On His Own, then a few quid e/w on an outsider.

O/T but just watched a recording of Sprinter Sacre from yesterday.2 and a half miles this time.

Another awesome performance.The Frankel of the jumps world at the moment.

Wonder if he could stretch another 3/4 mile in a couple years.....
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