durera Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:30

I really feel for you guys, if we had a stronger FA then situations like this would never happen.It really angers me how there can be a billion £ TV deal for top flight football and the Premier League is so greedy that it can't share some of that with the football league, even more that our FA is so weak that they do not demand that the PL do so -- they could easily cough up £1 million for every other league club in the land, every year, and it'd barely dent the amount of cash they had to hand out to their member clubs.

HMHB Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:31

 Well I thought I'd reply to this thread to just say well done to the Stags for finally getting back into the league after a 5 year absence. Really pleased for the Town and for those fans who've kept supporting them through all these wilderness years.

With John Radford now in charge (he bought the club a couple of years ago) the club now own their own ground and things are starting to look and feel brighter around the club.

Sick Boy Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:32

Are they any good though. This is the question. What I'm really saying is that can I guarantee on 6 points when you play The Gas next season? 

HMHB Publish time 2-12-2019 21:24:33

Only time will tell mate!! 
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