stevenM Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:14


Just start to take up badminton to try and get fitter. I'm really enjoying it but i'm having trouble hitting the shuttlecock with my forehand. I'm fine with my bandhand but have no idea what i'm doing wrong when it comes to my forehand.

Any badminton players out there that could give me some advice please

DrWise Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:15

I actually just started now to keep fitness up and same with squash aswell

If I could advise I would but I'm this instance I can't

stevenM Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:16

LOl no worries mate. Squash is very good as well. Its just frustrating that i cant hit the shuttlecock with my forehand 

jenam93 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:17

Love playing badminton!My drop shots are a killer 

What seems to be the problem with forehand?Are you assuming you should be good at playing forehand and therefore not concentrating as much on the eye to hand(racket) co-ordination?

stevenM Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:17

No idea what up with it, just can't seem to hit anything with it. My barehand is fine though. Its strange, will have to practice more

jenam93 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:18

Is it overhead forehand or underarm forehand that is more an issue?

A big overhead forehand clear is much the same action as throwing a ball so what are you like throwing a ball?

You can practice throwing a shuttlecock around the house, does less damage than a ball 

An underarm forehand is more wristy, giving a whipping action.Not sure what tosuggest for this one!

stevenM Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:18

Underhand. But underhand forehand serving is fine lol

jenam93 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:19

Sounds more like concentration then.You're focused when you serve so it is not an issue.People's backhand is often weak so they concentrate more on playing the shot.You're probably just rushing in open play as you expect forehand to be fine.

Just concentrate a bit more and it will come 

Bugbait Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:19

This is little bizarre .Do you always keep your eye on the shuttle regardless of the shot you're playing?Sounds obvious but if you're hitting other basic shots fine then it could be a coordination/timing issue while you're learning to predict the shuttle movement.

Also check on the angle of your racket when you're playing an underhand forhand compared to your backhand.Most players start with a flat angle swing where the racket head is perpendicular to the direction you wish the shuttle for most of the swing.Easier to hit the target at first but the bad habit to break later on when you ideally should be cutting the shuttle (head is angled before, possibly during and after contact).

Good tips by gbcasual there and fully agree.The overhead action is shoulder, arm, forearm compared to mainly forearm and a bit of arm for underarm shot.

TheCSSDoctor Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:19

Another fairly serious badminton player here, I play for our club in a few different leagues

All I can suggest really, is practice whenever you can and it will eventually come to you. One thing I did tend to see was people trying to hit a forehand with the racket too close to their body, so you might want to try and give yourself a bit more 'space' to hit the shuttle as you will often find that this will also give you better power than being 'squashed' into your body

I personally tend to play the majority of shots that are too close to my body with a flick backhand and only use my forehand when I have the time to get into a good position for a clear or pushed drive
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