Extreme Rules
Starts in 10 mins. Anyone watching? Off work tomorrow and have it on record. Will probably start watching it in an hour so I can fast forward through all the pish. Extreme Rules what? i assume it refered to WWE Extreme Rules event, but im not sure there are many WWE / Pro Wrestling fans in the sports forum.Not watched it for many years myself . thanks, a bit of a odd post if you ask me.Not sure WWE has any place in the sports forum anyway yeah i know most feel it should be in the TV forum however it is based on wrestling which is a sport so i can kinda see why it would be in here too yup i had to google it to see if i was missing out on some new sport LOL I think it's pretty far removed from any real Wrestling. Its more like a clown act from a circus if you ask me. I can't understand why anyone over the age of 12 would want to watch it. for me its like a soap which i got addicted too and watched it until i was older than i should have been.I can see the apeal but all the wrestlers from my childhood have mostly retired. Wwe is entertainment not a sport