Great round from Mickelson. Gutted for Westwood too, hopefully he wins a major at some point in his career. 1
Westwood had half a hand on it, again, but ultimately came up short.
Fair play to;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7He finished fantastically well when all others crumbled around him
Another year, another none Brit winning the open.Another bloody American as well but one of the nicer ones Westwood can't handle the pressure, he is the nearly man of golf. Some of his shots yesterday proved that. He will never win a Major......
In saying that, Mickelson had nothing to lose being behind so he went for it, as did Poulter so, it's def easier coming from behind to win. I think Westward hitting the bunkers in consecutive holes front nine was the telling sign. The bunkers were well short of the flag where he's normally great tee to green. And yes, this meant that it was open for anyone who could make a charge, Mickleson did, Poulter also had a fair crack, shame his putter went cold at the end. I'm delighted Mickelson won. I am also delighted that Adam Scott DID NOT win, I cannot believe he is allowed to use that massive Putter. I will be glad when it is banned.