DrWise Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:01

Tokyo 2020 Olympics

What do you people make of that
Seeing Tokyo get it

Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:02

The time difference is a bugger. They should only give it to countries close to the UK from now on. 
I want to watch it during the evening, not in the middle of the night.

DrWise Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:03

Perfect for people on night shift  but yeah similar to the Beijing Olympics
Going to be something worth going to Tokyo for though

Tango Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:04

I think it's a bad idea. I know there's reassurances but to give to a city where the radiation leaks are rising due to Fukishima.

hdsport Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:04

the other two bids weren't without their problems,


and despite their 'cheap bid' we all know about the Spanish economy.

I personally love going to Japan so am delighted they won.As for the time difference it will probably be dictated by American TV.The athletics finals were held in the evening in Beijing (morning for us) but of course the swimming finals were held in the daytime so that NBC could show Phelps in 'prime-time'.

This will be the second games in a row (after the Pyeongchang winter games in 2018) held in an Asian timezone so I'm sure NBC will want some decent timings in return for the $4bnthey have paid the IOC!

Trollslayer Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:05

Blown out of proportion by press who don't understand it.
Yes there is an issue but it is being handled.
It's funny how people go on about this and forget the 15,000 who died and the hundreds of thousands whose lives were ruined.
It would be a great chance to see Japan if you got there for the Olympics.

Suave Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:05

Hi All,

I am glad that Tokyo won the bid - it is an great city & I feel it was the best of the bunch - well done to Japan for winning the bid!


Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:06

It does seem that looking at the alternatives, it was a fairly easy win for Tokyo.

Sonic67 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:07

There is still seven years to sort that out.
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