hutch Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:45

Mike Tyson 'close to death from drugs and alcohol'

What a sad story I really hope its just his use of language rather than a near to the true statement.Tyson was my childhood hero I used to watch in awe his fights on the TV I had never seen and never will see a sportsman so explosive or frightening

BBC Sport - Mike Tyson 'close to death from drugs and alcohol'

Really hope he gets his **** together quickly

faiz0 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:46

Along with Usain Bolt he's probably the most awe-inspiring sportsman of the last 30 years or so.

DrWise Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:47


repoman Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:48

I've never looked very deeply into it but he has got that whole rape conviction thing over him.How has he managed to remain in such high esteem since that?

As a boxer, he was phenomenal.No question there.

I'm just asking.Anyone know any more about it?

DrWise Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:49

For his down fall I blame don king
When tysons first trainer passed away it was a down hill slope it ruined him
And don king added to it

Suave Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:50


Spot On - Don King along with other factors & disastrous choices he made after coming out of prison was his downfall. Don King is the absolute epitome of a Reptilian entity & not even Tyson could escape him. When I learned that he had teamed up with him, it was obvious to me that that was the beginning of the end for Mike.


shodan Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:51

Yep, Don King really is a vile piece of crap! Although Tyson was obviously a wrongun, he was a phenomenal boxer!

Synchronicity Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:52

I personally think he was innocent. Check out some of the interviews with him - Tyson has always been very honest and candid in interviews, never pretending to be anything other than what he was - at the time, a very bad man. He has even said that he wished he had raped her, as he had to do the time.

DrWise Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:52

If Cus'd'amato hadn't passed early in tysons career, i think he would have been fine
but after that and the rape case (which i still think he was innocent) and don king it  his career up and also his mind wasn't right either his father walked out, mom died when he was little, so CUS d Amato was the only true person he had in his life.

paulr Publish time 2-12-2019 21:12:54

He's a lost soul, a bit like Gazza. Shame really, at his best he was magnificent.
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