Your golf handicap ?
So it's the start of the season , I'm starting on 19 dead . How are you doing ? Reserved ...Signs 19-19.1-19.2 - 19.3 -19.4 - 19.5
Booyaka 10.7
Gken 74 6.7-5.8
Greg (needs to consider taking up tennis )
ultima 6.8-6.4-5.9
Wills 14.6-14.9
Eireann10 5.00- 5.1
Homer Timpson..19.2
Captaincook..19.00 10.7 to start the season - with lack of practise time due to family and work - if I can stay there for the next few years I'll be happy! Did the first major of the season on Saturday .. 19.1 now   (30 points) My handicap, the clubs and the ball. I am however brilliant when I play Tiger Woods on the 360 40 we all are it's that easy  
 isn't 36 the highest for a lady ? Yeah, but I've got special dispensation for being crap. 
Seriously it's 28, but I haven't reached that level yet, I'm close, but my biggest problem is playing weekly from April to September and then nothing in-between which means I am not improving year on year, just staying the same average level. Starting the season at 6.7 but I've just joint St Andrews so after playing the Castle & the New Courses over the weekened I can't see it coming down very quickly this season! Got the first Medal of the season on Sunday  four comps in , point 4 up