Commonwealth Games
Was wondering if anyone has/was actually watched/ing the opening ceremony and will watch the games.Me I must admit that I grew bored during the weeks of build up and then the BBC news constantly mentioning it each morning has made me switch off. Rod Stewart is sounding pretty ropey...
Was there nobody else available? I'll probably be watching bits and pieces, but won't be going out of my way to watch every event. The English roll out Paul McCartney, The scott's, Rod Stewart. The Krankies apparently weren't
I'm going to the Badminton on Wed. Will the Proclaimers be competing in the walking?
Phil I'll be watching as much as possible (not taking two weeks off work though unlike the Olympics).Yes the standard is mixed but there's still plenty to watch.As for last night well I'm not sure the Blu-ray will be flying off the shelves...on the other hand demand for Scottish Terriers has probably shot through the roof! Off to the Judo tomorrow - looking forward to that. Watching it.... Pffffft!
I was in it! I was part of the Marshall's who came on wearing the bright coloured suits and dresses.
It was awesome & such a buzz. But got up the road & you all seen the fireworks at the end & missed out on the finally in the stadium.
Once we got most of the athletes out quite a few Ugandans stayed behind and did a dance move we had been practicing. It was ace... Just ace!
I even made it on the TV footage a few times. There is also an awesome picture on a private FB page of the Marshall that announced Scotland & an end of night picture... Absolutely crackin! It's starting to cheese me off a bit. Every time I switch over to watch it all I see is a bunch of people chatting in a studio. If they could just interrupt their conversation occasionally and show some flipping sport, that would be nice 