mentalpen Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:10

ive sent you a pm tom tom

mike2104 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:11

How is it decided who gets 1st pick in the draft? Thought it might have been randomly computer generated

Stulock Holmes Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:11

Says it will be randomly set.

IL Cattivo Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:11

Yep, about an hour before the draft you'll be able to see which position you are in the draft order. It randomizes it, which is how Tom Tom has set it up. 

Tom Tom Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:12

Actually it's 30 mins before (just so you are not waiting half an hour pressing F5)


Scholes18 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:13

Signed up ( my 3rd different league lol )

Directive 51

Stulock Holmes Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:14

I've pretty much given up on this app. It's crashed twice now with no way of recovering it except deleting and reinstalling. Even if it was capable of it, I certainly wouldn't trust it to use for the draft. Shame as it looked quite good for keeping track of scores, etc. might give it one more try.
The Android version seems fine on my kindle, but I'll use a laptop for the draft.

the_gavnor Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:14

So interested in joining your league if there's still space.

Avid NFL nut, but who for my sins follows the Fins and has been looking for a UK based fantasy league for a good few season, all the others died a death after the first 2 weeks.

If you could let me know if there's space that would be great

andyparksy Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:14

Oh no, disaster.

Looks like it's going to be difficult for both myself and my1 next thursday - work commitment that we can't get out of. Possibility that we might be able to get on internet to do but not sure - Wont be trusting the app but will see how the site looks on a phone.

I know it's impossible to get everyone together to set a time so might have to just have an auto-pick team which would be a shame as looking forward to it.

did a mock last night and would be very happy if I ended up with that team next thursday.....

Stulock Holmes Publish time 2-12-2019 21:02:15

I've had a go trying to get on the full site on my iPhone and it automatically redirects me to the mobile site which is the same as the app. That just won't let me proceed past login - I just get bumped back to the Home page (not logged in).
I think you can only do the draft on the full site so see if your phone gives you access. I managed to switch from mobile site to full site on my kindle.

I suppose you could prepare your draft preferences list and let it auto draft but it wouldn't be the same. How do Bench positions work? Is there a limit on how many of each position you can draft? E.g. If you wanted to draft 6 WR (so you had 3 on the bench). I know that's unusual, but would an auto draft do that, or would it stop drafting WR's once you had a certain number, so if you still had WR's at the top of your preference list, would it select say a RB who was the next highest player of a different position?

I get the starting positions, but wasn't too sure how flexible you could be with the other squad places?
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