Too exciting......
Have a friend at the eoropean tour school final qualifying.....shot 5 under for first 9 today to move into a european tour spot......The next 2 hours are going to be hell!
Go Jason!
(Sorry all alone in hotel room away on businees and had to share somehow) The best of luck to him 
We'll be watching this space. He only gone and done it! Moved up 32 places with record low for the day 66, to to just get his European tour card!Brilliant!
Shows what persistence can do, on the first day of the 6 round qualifying he shot 5 over 75 but hung in there. So pleased for him.  // Brilliant. It is so hard to get a card. It really is a hell of an achievement.
My sons friend has been on tour for five years now and doing quite well but there is so much competition to stay in the top 112 every year.