djcla Publish time 2-12-2019 21:00:11

WSM 2014 (spoilers)

Anyone else been watching Worlds Strongest Man this last week, final was great last night  guys are beasts and I really thought SHaw would get the win.Anyone know how long ago the events actually take place as I suspect it was back in the summer.Seems strange we cant have it live as I quite enjoy it.

chrisgal Publish time 2-12-2019 21:00:13

Only caught a brief glimpse of the final but there is no way they could show this live.

Having attended one of these competitions it's a bit like baseball/American football (i.e lasts a long time with limited bursts of activity) but far worse. The competitors sit around recovering for a large portion of the time, with nothing to fill the down time, so it would be a commentators nightmare. I'd suggest that this is why you don't see bigger crowds attending these competitions as the appeal quickly wears thin.

djcla Publish time 2-12-2019 21:00:13

ah I see, but im sure it could be shown a week or so behind couldn't it
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