Share pictures of your bike
Hi everyone,On this thread I suggest you to share pictures of your bike (any that bike: mountain bike,cycling bike...) just to see or compare.
This is my mountain bike : Lapierre Raid 227
And yours? Id not been on a bike since I broke my leg as a lad until recently at centre parcs; (many years later) but quite enjoyed it even though I was rubbish. Tempted to get one again but towing two kids about in a cart is hard work. What means "towing"please ?
Sorry but I don't speak English very well and I have so many things that happens.
How did you broke your bike ? Its ok reading back what I had typed I clearly do not write English very well 
I just came off my bike when I was young that's all.. At centre parcs you can hire a pull along trailer to attach to a bike.
Strangely I just got donated a pretty decent hybrid bike on the weekend just need to look into a child seat for it.But no idea how they work or if it would even fit. I'm sure you'll have no problems finding a kids seat for a hybrid. Otherwise just go without and keep the cycling for your own 'grown up' time! ha ha you think ill get away with that The Cycling Thread | AVForums