How much sport do you play per week?
whether that be Football Rugby , Tennis , Cricket or other sports or how often do you go to the gym or how often do you walk or run or cycle or swim?i play Tennis for 30 mins twice a week.i also try to run for about 15 mins a day and plus i take the dog for a walk once a week. Golf 2 or 3 times a week at about 3-4 hours each round. Other than that I'm usually sat in a chair OP spends many hours per week asking random hit and run questions on 6 different forums at once. Poor dog  But he hasn't for a few weeks, maybe he's been on holiday.
Lets see how long it takes for him to start a thread called "Favourite Holiday Destinations" ^^ Nathan Moulding does it less here because he was rumbled, yet still thinks he can occasionally sneak one in unnoticed
- does it all the time at Digital Spy, including duplicate threads/bumps at the same time in forums and subforums
EDIT ... (as I don't wish to bump his nonsense)
I see from his DS Forums activity he's replaced simple thread on his thread pro forma with title says it all
Nathan is enudzio thereFind all posts by enudzioFind all threads started by enudzio What does he get out of starting threads like this? ^^^ a stiffy i play basketball 5 times a week and i play soccer 2 twice a week and bowling once a week, play catch with a baseball 4 times a month Please