2015 US Open. June 18–21. Chambers Bay
http://www.usopen.com/en_US/course/index.html https://www.avforums.com/attachments/capture5-jpg.590673/ This venue seems such a lottery.Here's a youngster getting in some practice for the US's next Mickey Mouse Open tounament.
/proxy.php?image=https://jomullens.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/002.jpg&hash=fd4a2ffbede025f2f2e8de0648da8eaa No idea why they decided to have this prestigious tournament at a course like this. It looks in worst condition than a local council pitch and putt. Did they just chuck a few grass seeds on the sand and hope it would grow? I didn't know Sepp Blatter was involved with the R&A