NFL 14/15 and Fantasy
As we have had the first pre-season game I think it might be time to get this up and running for this year.As last year, we should be able to get enough together to get an AVF league up and running and gives us a place for other NFL posts for the year.
For the Fantasy last year I think we had a league of 12 and went pretty well, with only a couple dropping out but all I would say is please only sign up if you are happy to stick with it - the head to head format means it's a bit of a mess when your team is playing someone with only 4 active guys that week as they couldn't be bothered putting bench players in.
For those that have not done one before it;s definitely worth doing if you like your football. I know the whole fantasy thing has been done to death with normal football but is pretty different how it gets done for the NFL - I loved it last year as it got me into games I would not normally be interested in, and ended up watch more "red zone" coverage than full games.
So let me know if you up for it - will send out a few invites to those that were around last year as well. Doing a live on-line draft worked well last time out so hopefully we can get a time sorted to do that again. We used last year, which has free apps as well, but a few have said ESPN is also good so can you let me know if you have any preferences. Once we know who we have I will set the league up.
So far
Tom Tom
Stulock Holmes I will join if you want Thanks for getting this going again, I'm in.
No preference on sites I've got leagues going on NFL and espn so either one works for me. Count me in , can't wait for the season to start! Count me in too.
In another fantasy league I am in we have messed with the standard set up (How many play and bench)
Thoughts on doing something a little more interesting?
eg. 2 QB league
Only 2 bench spots but more on the field of play each week.
(any other suggestions)
Prefer actual NFL site. Think it's more a case if you want!
Would only ask that you are happy to see it through, it doesn't take much time each week to keep on track but makes a difference to the league........
Otherwise, you are all set. In that case I'm in. I watch NFL every weekend and follow all the results. I played last year and got to the final but I lost  Count me in 100% As stated in the other thread reactivating last yearsNFL.comleague would seem the easiest option , least to me then , just add folks as we need to. The updated NFL fantasy app is superb and makes in incredibly easy to draft , even for those loonies that try to draft a QB in rd2 lol Think Tom Tom set that one up, but not sure how it works with different players in the league. Either way should be easy enough, and looks like we are sticking to
We are up to 7 and I have a potential2 so am sure we will be for for at least a 10 team league.