Welsh Rugby Six of the Best DVDs
I got a boxset of these second-hand from Amazon and had a bit of a disappointment when I tried the discs: the Nineties disc has the Seventies image printed on its surface and vice versa. So whilst all the content is there, I feel tempted to rebuy it in-store and make sure that the DVDs have the correct labels. Has anyone else ever bought this boxset and have they had this issue? Judging by the number of views but no responses, I guess I was just unlucky? Sounds like it. I'd get back to the supplier and let them know. You paid money and didn't get what was expected. Fingers crossed. Yeah, I'll contact Amazon and explain to them what I said here, see what they can offer me. Zoverstocks (the actual seller I dealt with) has kindly sent me a replacement, and to dispose of the present discs. I only hope that the new discs aren't part of the same dodgy batch. 