Foebane72 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:54:27

Welsh Rugby Six of the Best DVDs

I got a boxset of these second-hand from Amazon and had a bit of a disappointment when I tried the discs: the Nineties disc has the Seventies image printed on its surface and vice versa. So whilst all the content is there, I feel tempted to rebuy it in-store and make sure that the DVDs have the correct labels. Has anyone else ever bought this boxset and have they had this issue?

Foebane72 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:54:28

Judging by the number of views but no responses, I guess I was just unlucky?

Amph Publish time 2-12-2019 20:54:29

Sounds like it. I'd get back to the supplier and let them know. You paid money and didn't get what was expected. Fingers crossed.

Foebane72 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:54:30

Yeah, I'll contact Amazon and explain to them what I said here, see what they can offer me.

Foebane72 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:54:32

Zoverstocks (the actual seller I dealt with) has kindly sent me a replacement, and to dispose of the present discs. I only hope that the new discs aren't part of the same dodgy batch. 
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