Couldn't see a Snooker thread so thought I'd start oneWorld champs started yesterday, defending champion Bingham has already been knocked out. Ronnie is on today (currently 3-1 up)
Many people going to be watching this? I'm going at the end of the week, love the crucible I watched a bit of this last night but don't think I'll be watching any more.
60minute frames? They need to bring in the 2 light rule that our club uses. 20p in the light gives you 15 minutes, whoever is leading when your 2nd light runs out is the winner! It's swings and roundabouts, some frames are 60minutes and technical battles. But there are frames where they fly by - O'Sullivan v Hawkins for example I think the first 4 frames were done in just over an hour/hour 20 which is some going well I love the long frame tactical battles as much as the quick breaks, I only really watched the semi's and final matches this year and wish id watched more.Selby is one of the luckiest men in snooker by the amount of flukes and lucky positioning he got on some shots. I watched some of the final and totally agree about the run of the ball Selby had.Every time he missed, he was either getting the balls safe or leaving difficult starters for Ding.I can appreciate the tactical frames (I used to play a lot of snooker before an eye problem), and Ding surprised me at how good his safety game is and matched Selby well in that department.I just find Selby a very boring player to watch, it's not that he plays particularly slowly, his game just gives that impression .I would say it was a good final, certainly not a great one. Me too  John Higgins wins Player of the Year 
He did ok, BUT - Player of the Year 
He shouldn't even be playing in my opinion.
He gets a slap while his manager is banned for life.