thefragile Publish time 2-12-2019 20:49:59

SCUBA Divers?

Does anyone else SCUBA dive?

I'm completing my PADI open water this weekend, and would actually quite like to make diving into a regular thing, but I have no kit, and don't feel either of us who did it together are any where near experienced enough to go off and do things.

Has anyone got any suggestions?

Sonic67 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:00

Buy your own dive computer. If nothing else get that. After that fins, mask, snorkel. Then you can go snorkeling even if more scuba diving isn't your thing.

After that go on holiday to Egypt etc and spend a day or two diving as part of the holiday. Remember to take your log book and card.

rousetafarian Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:01

Book a dhoni trip and dive the Maldives

nheather Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:02

If you want to go regularly, join a club.They will teach you for free 'well in the club membership' and you will get you qualifications slowly with lots of dives and training under your belt rather - better than fast intensive courses.

And of course, then you have a group to go diving with, it will be safer and they will lend you equipment whilst you are deciding whether it is for you and then deciding what to buy.

Diving in Britain is more expensive than warmer waters because you will need a drysuit.



Mr Quint Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:03

I have some Scuba related gear guys. 

Jaws - Hoopers US Divers Wraparound Facemask.

JAWS - The US Divers Aqualung.

skintosh Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:04

Agree with nheather, join a club. The level of training you get in the uk is often better than you get abroad due to time constraints while on holiday and more difficult conditions in the uk etc. And who wants to be sat in a classroom doing theory on holiday? A good club will have kit use can use cheap too.

everett_psycho Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:04

So there is other divers on here. I've just completed my open water a couple of weeks ago and am finishing my advanced tomorrow. I know the feeling though, the open water certification really didn't make me feel ready to go out with just a buddy, but we did 5 more dives after the training was done without a guide and i felt a lot more confident after those.

What good dive sites around the UK would the more experienced divers recommend? I think I'll seriously look in to joining a club when I get back. Been a little spoilt learning in tropical waters but I've really enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

kalgar Publish time 2-12-2019 20:50:05

If you get in a club they know good places to go up north you have Orkneysn scapa flow south you have Portland. Lime Regis and Cornwall you have the scilly Isles all good places especially for wrecks
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