Ronnie O'Sullivan - sixth world title?
Can Ronnie O'Sullivan do it this year?O'Sullivan won the masters early in the year but he was one easy miss from going out against Liang wenbo I think it was was. Ordinarily he should not have won that masters therefore.
I get the impression O'Sullivan's concentration and will to win, plus dedication, is not as good as it was with his Eurosport work, which is maybe a distraction.
I really hope I'm wrong and he dominates the next three or four years, and equals hendry s 7 world titles.
Enjoying the match just started. Used to like Ronnie but the way he now goes on is getting a bit annoying, last I seen he is saying that he won't be bullied anymore, who is he accusing of this?
Hoping Murphy beats him next round anyway, cracking player! 