MrFraggle Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:24

Turn off microphone.

Since throat cancer I have a really rubbish voice now which sounds worse when recorded. I took a few videos today of a cat I have befriended and posted them here as a matter of fact but the inclusion of my voice is annoying but cannot see how to turn off the microphone on my Nikon B700 though I have looked through the manual.
Perhaps it is not possible and I may have to put a bit of tape over it.
Anyone any idea if this can be done?

roll1later Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:25

I saw the video you mentioned and trust me there is nothing 'rubbish' with your voice, I didn’t notice anything odd at all and even watching it again still can’t.

Sorry can’t be of any help with turning the mic off but you could do it in pp, I’ve a couple of dash cam vids I’ve uploaded to YouTube and had to mute them due to my potty mouth 

GaseousClay Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:26

Yeah your voice sounds fine , We all find out our voices sound differently when recorded and it comes as quite a shock to some of us. I sound like a right weirdo, but nobody has told me that to my face. 

cosmicma Publish time 2-12-2019 07:01:27

if you have a microphone input on the camera just plug a compatible plug into it with nothing attached to it ( just the plain plug as you buy it ) it should mute the internal mic

or if you can switch the internal mic to manual rather than auto gain through the camera menus you could just turn the gain right down

other than that it would have t be done in PP
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