One photo destined to become a classic
Anybody catch this on the news?Trump at the G7 Summit in Canada. A fantastic image that completely captures a "decisive moment" and, I think, will become a classic photojournalist image: By all accounts Marcio Cabral was there as well although he captured a different scene  It's quite a strange image and I was surprised to find it was a genuine one and not a clever photoshop or am I missing a joke here? Talk about analysing the body language // It was realeased on Angela Merkel’s Instagram account, so I’m pretty sure it’s genuine. I realise that but still think it's a strange picture.
John The interesting bit for me is Bolton's face (glasses, walrus moustache on the right).
He is the biggest driver behind cancelling the Iranian nuclear deal and is looking shocked.
My guess - he convinced himself the others would fold and go along with what he wanted. I thought it was a screen shot of the opening of a Hazing video.  France condemns Trump 'anger' after G7
I won't make any comment on the bias of media, but a slightly different image appears on the BBC. It was taken from a different angle and at a different time so without context it doesn't tell us a lot.